Pets are great, but some pets can suffer from anxiety. There are many ways to try and help alleviate the stress your furry friend may be feeling.  One way of dealing with anxiety is through CBD use for dogs, which is becoming more popular as it becomes more widely known that this product doesn’t have any psychoactive properties that will affect you or your dog. But is this a good alternative to Xanax for dogs?

What Is CBD and Why Is It Good for Dogs?

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is one of the many extracts that can be found in the cannabis (hemp) plant and it contains virtually none of the psychoactive ingredients that THC does. It can be used in many different ways, but one of the most popular is for anxiety relief. CBD works to balance out the effects that THC has on your brain by counteracting THC’s psychoactive properties. When it comes to dogs suffering from anxiety, this makes CBD an extremely useful alternative to Xanax because CBD does not have psychoactive properties that will make your dog feel “high.”

One thing that you should be aware of when trying to help your pet with anxiety symptoms is that CBD can take some time before it starts working. It sometimes takes as long as two weeks for CBD to start taking effect. So if you plan on using CBD to help ease the symptoms caused by your dog’s anxiety, you need to start this treatment long before the anxiety-causing event occurs.

What Are the Side Effects of CBD?

CBD article on has an important note that CBD may come with very few side effects when consumed by your pet. Side effects may include some lethargy, lack of coordination, and balance issues if too much is consumed too quickly (such as in an oil form). When your dog consumes CBD, it takes a while for its digestive process to extract the CBD from the oil and turn it into active cannabinoids. This is why you can’t give your pet CBD in an oil form quickly; they’d likely end up with too much in their system very fast.

Getting Your Dog Started on CBD

The best way to get your dog started on CBD is through the use of oil. There are many different companies that make CBD oils for dogs, but not all of them work in the same way. Some may have active cannabinoids in them while others use only pure CBD extract without any added ingredients. One way to find out if a product will help your dog is by reading its reviews. If something has good reviews it’s probably a pretty safe bet, but if there are more negative than positive reviews you should be wary of trying it with your pet.

When using CBD for dogs suffering from anxiety issues (or any other health issue), the best way to administer it is through oral drops or capsules. There are some forms of CBD that you can use by adding it to your dog’s food or water, but these are not nearly as effective as ingesting straight CBD through the mouth.

CBD vs Xanax for Dogs

So, is CBD a good alternative to Xanax for dogs? While it isn’t exactly an alternative because they work in different ways, it is a good way to help reduce anxiety and other health problems in your pet. It’s also safer because it has few side effects and doesn’t have any psychoactive properties that will make your dog high if they accidentally ingest too much of it.